Catch Up - What have I been up to?(Day 1)

Catch Up - What have I been up to?(Day 1)
Photo by Francisco Moreno / Unsplash

I recently came across the #100DaysOfHomelab challenge and thought it’d be a perfect way to document stuff I’m doing. Day 1 is really a catch-up on recent changes, and there have been quite a few.


Been rebuilding the k8s cluster multiple times (as one does in a homelab). The main improvements have been around networking. Since I’m using Cilium as my CNI of choice, I made two significant changes:

  1. Moved LoadBalancer IP management from MetalLB directly to Cilium.
  2. Dropped kube-proxy entirely, letting Cilium handle all service networking with eBPF.

I’ve also set up a bunch of applications using Argo CD’s app of apps pattern. I’ll share a list eventually.

Infrastructure Changes

Added a new dedicated Proxmox node specifically for services that need to be always available:

  • OPNsense for network management
  • DNS (made the switch from PiHole to AdGuard Home - the UI is quite nice, and setting up trusted SSL certificates is surprisingly easy)
  • A root reverse proxy setup using Traefik

What’s Next?

I’ve been trying to document more of these adventures - my drafts folder is growing faster than my published posts, which probably says something about my experimenting-to-documentation ratio. Hoping this 100 days challenge will help fix that balance a bit.