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I write about ml, infra, devops, photogrpahy and anything else that comes to mind

Rust Basics: Taking the First Steps

󰃭 2023-06-29 | #rust

Installing Rust Getting Rust installed on your system can be done by following the guide from the official website As of writing this if installing on a Mac, Linux or WSL the recommended way is running this curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.

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Nebo - Build and Deploy(API as a Service)

󰃭 2021-11-05 | #ai #ml #pytorch

Inspiration Agriculture is one of the major sources of income in 3rd world countries. In the age of AI, we have seen problems like self-driving take priority amongst other cool research, but I haven’t seen a good enough solution that helps the average farmer get better yields, understand what is the problem with their crop.

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