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I write about ml, infra, devops, photogrpahy and anything else that comes to mind

Traefik, Reverse Proxies and Lxc Containers (Day 4)

󰃭 2025-01-13 | #100daysofhomelab #buildlog #devops #homelab #proxmox

After running Proxmox for about 2 months, I realized I hadn’t tried out LXC containers yet. What better way to start than setting up a reverse proxy?

What’s a Reverse Proxy?

Think of a reverse proxy like a bartender - you ask for a drink, and they handle getting it from the right place. More technically, it’s a server that sits between clients and your web services, forwarding requests.

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Systemd and Proxmox (Day 3)

󰃭 2025-01-12 | #100daysofhomelab #homelab #proxmox

It turns out that Proxmox’s quorum requirements are not as “simple” as I thought.

The initial solution of setting quorum expectations to 1 worked… sort of. Here’s what happened:

When a node booted up (remember it can’t initially “see” the other node), OPNsense would start (great!), provide DHCP and network connectivity (also great!), but then things got interesting. Once the network was up and the Proxmox nodes could talk to each other, the other VMs would fail to start with cryptic errors like:

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